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Wattsy's 1969 Capri

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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/04/09 17:49:31 (permalink)
Thanks for the comments. Played around with some cardboard and tape to try and flesh out the shape I am after. This is pretty close but not exactly right. Now I need to find a fibreglass dude to do it properly.


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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/04/09 18:18:41 (permalink)
I reckon a hornet scoop on top of that would look awesome. But
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/04/09 18:23:50 (permalink)
-1 (1)
Here's one I've got front valances or stone trays on. I reckon it looks great and wonder on the down forces.

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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/04/30 18:43:13 (permalink)
Hey mate impressive build, just a quick question did you do anything to the fg seats to remove/ deactivate the airbags built into them?
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/05/02 23:33:45 (permalink)
No, I haven't done anything with the side airbags and the seats aren't powered up. I am using the different seat belts so the pretensioners went in the bin.
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/05/07 22:07:22 (permalink)
I thought I had to run bumpers and was intending to use the carbon fibre reproduction bumperettes.
I was talking to my engineer about it and saying how I wished I could run bumperless like the early 2600s and he said I could. Job done.
I don't have a certificate yet though ...
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/05/10 21:52:04 (permalink)
So this is the final shape. I have been working on the mould which now needs to finish drying. Then I can do some small trimming and start working on the underside. Just some sanding and priming cycles. Most likely I will outsource the actual fibreglassing so it works properly.


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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/06/09 20:39:23 (permalink)
Turn away now if you can't stand to see bad bodywork :)
After some general disinterest from some shops I tried my hand at fibreglassing for the first time.
When looking at these try to keep in mind I am attempting to get everything where it needs to go with the intent of having some sort of professional go over the car at some point down the track.
This is essentially how the car will look from now on with the end result being straight, shiny and bright red. Use your imagination.



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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/06/11 09:29:11 (permalink)
Good on you for giving it a crack, haven't done any glassing myself so its better than I could do...
Cheers Drew...

GT Cortina Project "The Ugly Duckling"
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/06/11 21:25:00 (permalink)
A couple of shots in the daylight.



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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/11/28 21:52:40 (permalink)
Finally got the Capri on the rollers today. Pretty happy with the result and nothing exploded.
Also inspected by the engineer and he was mostly happy. It's a "little" loud and some touch up things to do. Pretty epic day.
>>Click me!! Dyno video<<   PS: anyone know how to link a video properly?!?

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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/11/29 09:08:39 (permalink)
It lives! Good work Wattsy.
That's a serious bonnet scoop, I'm curious how you went fixing it to the bonnet, as I have never tried to glass onto steel before.
One option may have been to pop rivet through the flange, like you might do to guard flares, or use a sikaflex adhesive. Adding another layer of resin and filler microballoons over the scoop mixed to like toothpaste will give you something to spread on and easily fair back.Give it a go, you've done the hard part.
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/11/29 20:07:15 (permalink)
+1 (1)
Awesome! I'm speechless at the quality of this build. Just awesome!
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2016/11/29 21:39:01 (permalink)
There is a bonnet scoop under the new one that is pop riveted to the bonnet. The top section of the scoop has a wooden stringer along either side that is also pop riveted to the bonnet. There is no filler in there yet nor has it be finished at all. I was waiting for engineer to say it was okay and also giving it a good chance to shrink and do whatever it wants. It will get some filler and some love at some point.
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Re:Wattsy's 1969 Capri 2017/02/27 17:50:11 (permalink)
+3 (3)
Latest mods fitted today. Expensive for two alloy plates but worth it.
And they said I'd never make it. All engineered, regoed and insured. I could have gone full rego but between the rego and insurance the classic rego will saved me around $1400 annually. 60 days for me plus all the runs and meets that are "free".


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