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Hot!Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C

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2024/04/06 19:14:23 (permalink)

Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C

Hello everyone,
I'm sure this idea has crossed other people's minds and maybe some have even tried but I was just wondering if there's any reason as to why you wouldn't be able to convert an Escort heater box to also have A/C. 
I could be completely off track here but what would be stopping you from placing an evaporator underneath the fan. Everything else associated to A/C I know you can make fit. I was thinking how good it would be to have A/C in an Escort but have it work with the current vents like modern cars do today. 
I'm sure someone will explain why it's not possible and hasn't been done but would like to make a discussion of it anyway.  

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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/07 20:35:54 (permalink)
    Hey Eskie, 

    There is room yes, I currently have my heater box on a shelf and with the correct sized evap core and some mods it would fit. The problem is orientation, most evap cores are designed to sit in a vertical orientation with the pipes at the top. 

    There is the option to not run a center console, reposition the radio to the coin tray and install something like this style of unit to the car. 

    I suppose you could try contacting them to ask if you could just buy that style of evap core off them or the supplier, never know your luck. Then you just need to match up the correct size condenser, pump, receiver dryer etc and run it all in. You would also need to run a heater tap too, either solenoid or cable style. In fact, running a heater tap alone will help a whole lot with keeping the inside of the car cool, it's no joke having an extra radiator in the cabin at all times. Even when you have the air diverted from it.  

    Oh you would also need to consider how you are going to manage the drainage, so you dont end up with wet feet 
    post edited by PartTimeMK2 - 2024/04/07 20:41:56
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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/07 20:49:01 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    Went out to the garage and had a proper look at the heater box, you would have to completely remove the stock fan, get a slimline one and have a evap that would fit in the top round section, otherwise the blend doors will foul on it.

    Thinking further about it that would mean youd have to figure out a way to run the pipes to it, because that section lives up inside the heater bubble, it would be a massive PITA but hey, anything is possible with enough willpower. 

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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/10 13:36:20 (permalink)
    If you can go a slim fit fan like a motorbike thermo fan and bin the water rad in favour for a electric one that'll increase your usable space, but you still might need to add a box to the heater box to house the evap .
    Second thoughts , it'll be easier to go to you pull it and raid a late model jap car heater system and somehow graft it into the Escort. I wouldn't start with the escort heater box tho would Frankenstein it to suit
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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/10 13:52:37 (permalink)
    Then I came across this..


    I was told by a wise old man to find stuff for hotrods as they are basically universal
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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/10 18:14:17 (permalink)
    A/C has always been a bit of a compromise in the Escorts. Even with the Factory units you lost heat and fresh air through the dash vents as they were taken up by the a/c and the port on the passenger side of the heater box had to be blocked off to fit the evaporator.
    The best setup I've had was in a 1600 Ghia, it was an aftermarket that fitted where the glovebox was. Great unit, icy cold and didn't take long to cool the interior down.

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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/13 21:04:59 (permalink)
    More I think about it, the more I realise how difficult it would be to do AC through the original heater box. Dealing with the condensation on its own would be a challenge. Be better just to redesign a whole new system that bolts up but who has the resources to do such a thing.
    Another option I thought about which Marty mentioned was finding another system from another car that you could make fit the Escort. Unsure if anyone has ever done that or if anything would fit an Escort.
    I've seen a few different style AC systems such as systems replacing the centre console and the systems that go on the passenger's side but none of them do what I was wondering is possible. 

    I've seen the systems Parttime and Marty linked but that's not a 100% solution to what I was wanting to achieve. All the vents are open at all times so you can't control direction of air (Demiser, side vents, foot vents). It also wouldn't let you just have fresh air from outside. 
    Having a system that works the same way as the original heater box but also has AC would be amazing. never seeing such systems used in an Escort myself I wasn't sure if anyone had made anything work to achieve what I was wondering. 
    Were there any other model Fords around the era of the Escort such as Cortina, Falcon etc that had a heater/AC combo box or were all AC systems separate to the heater box?
    post edited by Eskie92 - 2024/04/13 21:18:21
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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/14 10:19:41 (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    I looked into putting A/C into my Escort a few years ago and concluded the easiest & best option is a full electric setup in the boot similar to the units used in prime mover cabins and plumb the air into the cabin from there. Easy to install & plumb as they're fully self contained units.
    Just something out of the box to consider.
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    Re: Converting Escort Heater Box Into A/C 2024/04/15 09:04:13 (permalink)
    or shift further south.
    Chilly start this morning.
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