Re: Hotwheels collectables
2023/12/09 20:46:12
hey Drew,
Yes Marty was right, the local Coles has the Lime Green Rs2000, $2.80 so keep an eye out.
Previously i'd only found them at Repco.
I was in Repco yesterday getting some of their best 20W/50 ($28), but the Hotwheels bins had been well and truly picked over, no more Escorts to be found.
I'm on the wrong pc, but have pics on the work one of the latest additions to the future grandkids playroom.
Anyone playing with Tonka's still? Yes I admit, guilty especially if the trailer is full of conc sand..
They are are an easy swap meet find, I've got the usual full Vic Roads grader/digger/bobcat/crane etc fleet. What would really be nice to find was a black Space edition transit van or green Jeep renegade camping set, both I had when we used to make mixed tapes from taping Rage on a Friday night.