The best tyres
What tyres are you guys fitting?
its always the temptation to fit bigger tyres and yep if you are going on the track you make adjustments to keep the car flat, as the last of the performance Capri like the X pack did fitting these tyres. But generally for road use, a Capri will be at its nicest fitted with the original equipment standard tyre that Pirelli are making again for you guys. today most people want a fatter tyre, and to be fair loads of Capri did leave the factory with a more sporty set up, but sticking with the correct kind of carcass structure that you get with the Cinturato CN36 original tyre will make your car handle at its best and make it the most enjoyable for road use. this diagram shows how a classic car like a Capri rolls in the corners and how the more rounded shoulders of a classic tyre carcass gradually moves its contact patch around the shoulder of the tyre, meaning as you corner the handling is progressive. it shows how this effect is lost by fitting a more modern squarer carcass structure which is esculated the fatter the tyre and the taller the wheel. then it shows how clever modern cars use these modern tyre carcasses keeping all the foot print on the road.